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Lemon contains sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C and other nutrients. In addition, it is rich in citric acid, flavonoids, volatile oils, hesperidin, etc. Citric acid has the effect of preventing and eliminating skin pigmentation.

Lemon is warm, bitter, and non-toxic. It has the functions of quenching thirst, removing heat and stagnating the body, relieving stagnation, strengthening the stomach, relieving pain, and diuresis. It can regulate blood vessel permeability and is suitable for people with edema and puffiness. Smokers should eat more lemons because they need twice as much vitamin C as non-smokers. Lemons are low in calories and have strong contractility, so they are good for reducing fat and are a good weight loss medicine. Lemons can prevent cardiovascular arteriosclerosis and reduce blood viscosity.

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